The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports that state employees don’t have to provide a doctor’s certification for being off sick for more than three days, one one several state personnel rules being suspended during the coronavirus emergency.

Four other rules were suspended Thursday:

  • Requiring posting of job openings for 10 days before the position may be filled.
  • Requiring permission to extend temporary classification upgrades.
  • Setting time frames for completion of supervisor and manager trainee courses.
  • Requiring original signatures on certain documents.

The board also approved a motion to bring state agencies in compliance with the federal Family First Coronavirus Response Act.

That law mandates up to two weeks’ paid leave for employees forced to quarantine, two weeks’ paid leave at two-thirds salary for employees required to care for a quarantined family member or a child whose school or child care center is closed because of the pandemic. It also provides additional two-thirds paid leave for up to 10 weeks for employees caring for children unable to attend school or child care.