Dear Sister/Brother:
On behalf of your UE Local 170 statewide officers, I send you greetings. More importantly, I ask for your activism and involvement in the upcoming 2021-2022 legislative session.

Political Action is the organized effort of working people to make sure our voices are heard by our elected officials in order to win government policies and programs which benefits our members.

Local 170 engages independent political action as part of the union’s aggressive struggle to win better conditions for our members. Political action is about educating our members on the issues, and then mobilizing the membership to take action in their own interests. We promote political solutions for the problems our members face, and we utilize the political arena to defend ourselves against attacks and the politicians who launch them.

Our rights as public sector workers can be easily either taken away or reinforced by the action or inaction by our elected officials. As working people, we have the right to expect that our governmental bodies will respond to the needs of our members.

Without unity, our common interests will not be actualized. As long as we remain unorganized and divided, decisions about our pay, our benefits, our dignity and fair treatment in the workplace will be denied us. The only solution, for the present and for our future, is to continue to organize and build Local 170.

In the upcoming year, as we organize new members across our state, help us publicize our cause and actively participate in your union.

In solidarity,
Samantha Crockett,
Vice President, UE Local 170

Here are our top goals entering the 2021 Legislative session:

  • Increasing the annual increment pay from $60 per year to $80 per year.
  • Pay raises for all public employees.
  • Establish a permanent funding fix for PEIA.
  • Eliminate mandatory overtime.
  • Improve recruitment and retention efforts.