W.Va. journalist let go after reporting on abuse allegations

From the Associated Press

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A West Virginia journalist lost her job last month after she reported about alleged abuse of people with disabilities within the state agency that runs West Virginia’s foster care and psychiatric facilities.

Amelia Ferrell Knisely, a reporter at West Virginia Public Broadcasting, said she was told to stop reporting on the Department of Health and Human Resources after leaders of the embattled agency “threatened to discredit” the publicly funded television and radio network. She later learned her part-time position was being eliminated.

From UE Local 170

This alarming situation has been an issue that UE Local 170 has been aware of for some time. We have been actively monitoring these situations.

The attempt to suppress this story is a disturbing assault against the First Amendment,” says UE 170 President Chris Wolford. “Our union has been lobbying against the excessive use of contractual workers in state institutions and monitoring the use of contractors in the foster care system and child protective services. We are closely watching development in the proposed changes in DHHR.

We want to assure our fellow state workers that we stand with them, and if they want to be a part of this movement to contact the UE Local 170 office in Charleston.

You may contact the office at (304) 347-4396 or at [email protected].