Need To Update Your Information?

Stay informed of UE Local 170’s activities and initiatives. Let us know if your contact information has changed.

There are a variety of ways to keep updated and get involved in our efforts.

There is strength in numbers! Join the other members of UE Local 170 and together we can make a difference!

Be sure you are connected to the communications of UE Local 170 and join us. Collectively, we will win!

Monthly Chapter Meetings. Be sure to attend your local chapter meeting. It’s a great way to get involved and to keep updated on the latest news and upcoming events for your area and around the state.

Monthly Newsletter. We distribute our monthly newsletter via email and hard copy. Are you receiving it? Make sure we have a valid email address on file and/or attend your chapter meeting to get a copy.  We also send out email notices for chapter meetings so be sure we have your address.

Special Email Blasts. In addition to our regular monthly email newsletter, UE Local 170 also emails special announcements and other special events to our members. Make sure we have a valid email address on file and/or attend your chapter meeting to get a copy

Social Media.  Be sure to follow UE Local 170 on Facebook for up-to-the-minute information.

Text/SMS alerts. We texts to keep you informed of breaking news and important activities or to request you to contact legislators on important issues. We promise not to bombard you with texts. If you are a member, please make sure your cell phone number is included in our database. Update your information here.

Legislative Updates. Be sure to check the Legislative Updates section of the UE Local 170 website regularly. We post information about pending legislation and other updates there as often as possible.

UE Local 170 website. The UE Local 170 is the hub of our organization. Check the website frequently for the latest updates and news on activities and relevant information for our members.