Hello brothers and sisters,

Senate Bill 230, which opens up grievants to paying up to $1,000 in costs and legal fees if they lose, FAILED today (Friday) in the House of Delegates, 39-61.

More good news for our members and all others statewide, who depend on insulin for their health: House Bill 4252 “To reduce copay cap on insulin and devices,” passed out of the Senate Finance Committee earlier Thursday, and was sent to the floor immediately on First Reading.

That means the bill is up for Second Reading on Friday, and could pass the Senate on Saturday, the last day of the Legislature. With an amendment pending in the Senate, the bill could have to go back to the House of Delegates for final approval.

The bill reduces maximum copay on prescription insulin from $100 to $35, and sets a maximum copay for devices at $100. That passed the House 94-3.

The Senate Finance Committee has proposed an amendment to set a maximum copay on insulin pumps — $250, limited to one purchase every two years.

Those would take effect with any policy, plan or contract issued or renewed — PEIA or private — on or after July 1, 2023. This is the bill if the amendment goes through.

Good news: The House and Senate versions of the budget both include the 5% average pay raise promised to state employees before the session.

HB 4344 “Relating to Foster Care,” the original version, allowed for a possible 20% pay raise for CPS workers, but the wide-ranging bill has some other items, potentially good or bad. A story in Thursday’s Charleston Gazette-mail details how the Senate Finance Committee gutted the bill and put in danger of dying.

The bill did pass the committee Thursday and was rushed to the Senate floor. Second reading is Friday, and there should be considerable debate at the amendment stage.

If you want to know how a bill has fared in this session, or who your senator or delegate is, please contact us at i[email protected] or (304) 347-4396.