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We Can Overcome The Legislative Attacks!

Brothers and Sisters of UE Local 170,

Since the inception of UE Local 170 in 2007, our union local has represented our members in the grievance process and has actively trained stewards to handle those grievances. Due to developments within the last two years, that ability to represent members in grievances has been hindered.

Those developments come straight out of the West Virginia Legislature. During the 2021 legislative session, a majority of Senators and Delegates, some of whom you may have voted for, voted in favor of a law that makes it no longer legal to deduct union dues from the paychecks of public employees. This includes state workers, public school teachers and school service personnel.

Therefore, the union dues that had been deducted from public worker payroll can, in most cases, no longer be deducted. The major source of income for any union is dues income from members.

After the convenience of due deductions from payroll was stopped, many members did not choose to make dues payments by other methods. As a result, we lost a number of members and the main source, but not the only source, of the union’s income.

How has this affected us in representing members in grievance proceedings?

The UE 170 Difference

Our union is independent and does not answer to any political party or group, or promote the agenda of any outside interests.

Preamble to the Constitution of the West Virginia Public Workers Union.

“We, Local 170 the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (UE), the West Virginia Public Workers Union, affirm that the struggle for better working conditions for public sector employees requires our collective organization. We therefore form this organization in order to unite all workers on the basis of rank-and-file democracy and membership control of our union, regardless of job classification, race, gender, national origin, language, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or political belief.”

Recent Accomplishments

  • Grievance Victories

  • Pay Increases

  • Job Security Gains

  • Legislative Victories

  • Expansion of Workers’ Rights and Protections

  • Representation in Meetings with Management

  • Safer Work Places

  • Defeating Privatization

  • Improved Grievance Procedures

  • Training for Stewards and Leaders

  • Step Wage Increases for DOH Workers

  • Expanding Chapters in Northern and Eastern Panhandles

  • Newly Formed Retired Employee Chapter

Make Your Voice Heard!

Join Us in the fight for Workers Rights

  • 304.513.3779